International news

Although flying is still not environmentally friendly, from 1 December to 31 January our concise story about a more sustainable world of clothing will be published in KLM's Holland Herald Magazine.

Because we really do everything we can to strengthen our story and our goal as much as possible.

“The clothing industry is one of the most polluting after oil and gas. We regularly buy new clothes. And unfortunately we throw it away just as easily. That can be more conscious. In fact, it should be more conscious. NUTT wants to show consumers that you can deal with clothing differently – more consciously. By reusing dumped garments as a valuable raw material and recycling them into artistic, authentic blazers. With a high-quality NUTT blazer on, you don't have to feel burdened about your purchase and you wear a unique, fashionable jacket. You feel good, the world feel good, NUTT feel good."

And they should also know that about the borders.

That is why we are on this page of Amsterdam Made. They show what the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area has to offer: sustainable and local products with high quality. NUTT is one of them.

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